What is your truth?

As I set intentions for 2021, January's theme became examining my voice.

As a physician, I have always felt a great responsibility to speak clearly, compassionately, and with significant forethought, because I understand words are powerful and, in certain instances, people may look to me for guidance. I do not take this responsibility lightly, nor do I claim to know it all or have it all figured out.

No one does.

And as a lifelong learner, I understand that what I found to be true 10 years ago, may not be true to me today or in 10 years. I also understand that I need to be free to change my mind, not know the answer, and speak my authentic truth, which may differ than others.

And that is OK.

Differences are ok and to be expected, and can be accepted, even if they are not your truth.

Accepting someone’s truth does not mean you are agreeing with it.

After my birthday on January 6th, I feel an urgent pull or longing to speak, because silence feels inherently wrong to me right now. I understand that many are processing what has happened. Many do not take to social media or their blog to declare their viewpoints. Some choose other avenues to process, share their thoughts, and take action. But for me I feel I need to be very clear on what I stand for, in ways I may not have in the past and that I recognize is a privilege I have benefited from throughout my life.

I stand for love.

I stand for peace.

I stand for inclusivity.

I stand for racial justice.

I stand for equity and social justice.

I stand for truth and honesty.

I stand for conscious leadership. This type of leadership does not belong to a specific political party. Honestly, I most often encounter it in my everyday experience in my community.

I stand for honoring and valuing our earth.

I stand for supporting businesses that believe in, support, and give back to our community.

I stand for rest.

I stand for doing the right thing, even when it is hard. Especially when it is hard.

I stand for hard conversations.

I stand for listening.

I stand for using our voices.

I stand for learning. I have more to learn about many of the areas above, and I am here to listen, learn, make mistakes, live and love life.

In my yoga training last year, I studied the chakra system, including the throat chakra. The chakras are energy centers in the body, battery packs if you will, that keep our energy flowing. When certain chakras get stuck or slow or set on overdrive, things may feel out of balance in those areas. By moving the body (with yoga or other forms of movement), breathwork and mindfulness or meditation, we allow the energy to again flow as designed. Certain traits are attributed to certain chakras which feels like a simple, yet powerful, way to visualize where energy resides in the body.

The throat chakra is located physically around the neck, jaw, mouth, tongue, teeth and gums, thyroid and is commonly associated with the color blue and the sound Ham.

It revolves around communication, the ability to listen, truth and denial, strength and expression of will, judgment and criticism, and personal expression. After January 6th, these traits feel more important than ever and have led me to sit with and journal on the following questions.

How am I communicating with others? Is it effective? How can I improve it?

Am I listening to others? Listening to what they need? Am I listening to what I need and expressing those needs? How can I improve this?

What is my deepest truth around the communication I am having with others? What is their deepest truth? Can we connect our truths? Or respect our truths? Can we both work from our truths?

What am I denying in myself or others? Or about a situation? Why am I denying this?

What is a strength of mine in communication? How can I use it to be helpful?

How am I judging others? What is the root of that judgment? What does that tell me about what I value or believe I am missing in my life?

What are my criticisms? What is the underlying need that this criticism is pointing to?

Speaking the truth is not always easy. It may be met with resistance or acceptance. We cannot control which one. But the alternative, silence or untruths serve no one.

One easy way to activate your voice or throat chakra is to hum, chant or sing. Try it when you feel like you have something to say, but are figuring out the words, and then use it!

What is your truth right now?

How will you share it with the world?

I would love to hear it.




Cyst Talk